Post Gamejam Update [0]

After the judge-voting period ends we will put out a post-gamejam update, this will include;

  • Tutorial level to introduce all mechanics regarding crafting, stealth, combat and more
  • Audio; background music, interaction sfx, and ui sfx
  • Improved Townsfolk/enemy AI; better hearing/sight perception, additional features, AI grouping, and more
  • Intro cinematics for each area to show the sunscreen ingredients and layout of the level
  • Improvements to the visual style for both environment and characters
  • Several Bugfixes (cauldron interaction and other smaller ones)
  • And more quality of life improvements

Expect the updated build to be uploaded shortly after the gamejam's voting period has ended

After this we will look into creating a properly worked out version of the game, with many additional features, to be released on steam.
No guarantees.

Get Sunscreen Vampire

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